Hi Team,
I am stuck with below queries. Request your support for the same.
1. In Single Product Layout for Variable products, product image becomes smaller. Attached screenshot for reference (Single.png, Variable.png)
2. Though there is enough space available, why does the heading of the product extends it to the second line? Attached 2 screenshots for reference. One with the problem and one without a problem. (Fine - Heading.png, Error-Heading.png).
3. I just noticed. When I purchased Rubino theme, in the demo it is showing 8+more single product layouts whereas, in my installed package, I have only 4 Single product layouts. Kindly help with this as well.
4. When I change my screen resolution, Header and logo shrinks and expands. Can I have their position fixed and just the size becomes bigger or slower? Attached screenshot for reference. (100% screen resolution.png, 75% Screen Resolution.png)
Thanks & Regards,
Sohil Popat from http://www.namnii.com