I am opening a new topic because I've noticed other problems with my e-commerce (https://test.beriders.it/).
I set up the sidebar by adding the widgets search bar, filter by brand and filter by price, but:
- On the normal pages (like https://test.beriders.it/abbigliamento-moto/) filter by price does not appear. In the brand pages (like https://test.beriders.it/marchi/agv/) it appears. Why?
I want the filter by price in both cases.
- Filter by brand doesn't works . For example, if you see this page https://test.beriders.it/caschi-moto/?pwb-brand-filter=agv you can notice that there is a brand filter for AGV but I see helmets of all brands in the store.
Also, I was wondering if you can set a fixed height for the product boxes (look at the screenshot) to avoid everything being so cluttered.