I have some problems with template and i hope you can help me : )
My site URL is: https://brotherhoodbikerstore.com/
1. In category page for "cascos" and "accesorios" before products a section of categories appear, and i dont want this categories squares in the page, you can see as "3/4" "abatibles" etc. I have disable categories in Archive Product Page customization but this dont work and squares continue appearing.
2. For categories pages a transparent gray layer appear over header background, can you help me to disappear this layer? https://brotherhoodbikerstore.com/categoria-producto/cascos/
3. For individual product pages (and other) the white title is not displaying correctly. https://brotherhoodbikerstore.com/producto/casco-n100-5-consistency-n-com-rosa-bco-25-m-nolan/
4. In home page please verify products below "¡Promociones válidas hasta el 31 de agosto!" Add to Card and Quick View are looping in UI Events, how i can resolve this?
Thanks for your help