Topics: 17
Posts: 87
When i'm on smartphone i'd like to :
- Open the submenu of "Nos Viticultrices" when i click on "Nos Viticultrices". Now i need to click on the two arrows to open submenu, it's not very easy on mobile (see attached files)
- I'd like to turn off search bar
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You must have valid license to access this content.
You must have valid license to access this content.
You must have valid license to access this content.
You must have valid license to access this content.
You must have valid license to access this content.
You must have valid license to access this content.
You must have valid license to access this content.
You must have valid license to access this content.
You must have valid license to access this content.
You must have valid license to access this content.
You must have valid license to access this content.
You must have valid license to access this content.