Hello, we buy the bestruct theme and we have a problem with the plugin "Yolo Bestruct Framework".
On the local the installation is good but on the server we can not modify the vusal composer 🙁
When you disable the plugin "Yolo Bestruct Framework" the page is displayed but with shirtcode like
[Yolo_portfolio show_filter = "center" filter_style = "style_2" item = "8" order = "ASC" category = »products, factory» portfolio_tag = »products, factory»]
[Yolo_icon_box layout_type = "style_4" type = "image_icon" image = "524" title = "Machine thread" link = "url:% 23 ||| »Description =» The wire rod of Universal Industrial Steel is obtained by hot rolling according to the Moroccan and international standard, "]