When you access one website, the first page, it is always Homepage. Homepage is the front door of the website. On WordPress, your front page will be shown up all the blog page by the default. However, it’s very easy to make a static page which includes all information such as header, menu, main content or some information of your team. And you can follow these steps to make a Homepage:
– Step 1: On Admin Panel, navigate to Pages > Add New to create a new page.
– Step 2: Enter the title and add the content for your page. You can use Visual Composer plugin to easily adds many shortcodes for your page.
Click “Publish” to save the configuration.
– Step 3: Navigate to Settings > Reading to set your front page. In this section, you will see Front page displays options where you can choose to display a static page from the dropdown list page. This page will be displayed as a front page.
– Step 4: All done, click “Save Changes” to save the configuration. You can go to your website and see the result.